
Vishnu Mandir Staff asked 5 years ago


According to your website and calendar Deepawali is on November 2nd. I have checked other sources and all of them says its on the 3rd. Even in Guyana they will be observing it on the 3rd. I know someone has posed this question already .Why this confusion? May I have an answer from Dr. Doobay please.

Thank You.

1 Answers
Best Answer
Vishnu Mandir Staff answered 5 years ago

Deepawali occurs on the night of Krishna Amawasya which ends at 7:46AM on the 3rd of November. Krishna Amawasya starts on the 2nd of Nov at 10:56AM.

on the 2nd of November, the night of Krishna Amawasya is the night of Diwali.

This confusion occurs because the Panchangas are made in India at particular locations like Bombay etc with the stars reference to those particular locations, and the there is a time difference between India and North America so applying the Panchang to determine the occurrence of a particular festivals which depends on star locations, without a time correction gives the incorrect result.

hope this helps

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